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How to Apply for a
Remy’s Good Day Fund Grant

All applications must be submitted in writing to the Fund’s Executive Director, and must include a budget. We are a small organization, and therefore our approach is hands-on and highly personal. We can help format your grant proposal if necessary to speed it through the process. In that way, we can make the best use of both your time and ours.


We highly recommend that the applicant talk to or meet with us before submission.


To start this process, or for any questions, first contact:

Maureen Vosburgh, Executive Director
(505) 467-8459 office
(520) 241-7537‬ mobile

Goals for Grants

  1. Impact economically-challenged communities on Tribal lands or in rural villages in New Mexico through cost-saving energy solutions with a solar focus.

  2. Educate and train youth, the unemployed, and the underemployed in alternative energy options in preparation for employment, job creation, micro-enterprise, and entrepreneurship, all with a solar focus.

  3. Embrace food security and expand into youth-oriented climate change programs.

  4. Assist community building by introducing new solar-focused technologies.  

Proposal Criteria
Your proposal must be compatible with the Fund’s mission, which is as follows: Remy’s Good Day Fund promotes collaboration for sustainability and the well-being of future generations.

All projects must:

  • Demonstrate a community benefit

  • Include community participation

  • Contain an educational component

  • Be respectful of the aesthetic and cultural landscape

  • Show clear financial needs, and the Fund must not be the only contributor

  • Be led by a Project Manager with demonstrated skills to execute the work

  • Show how they will provide results-oriented updates.

Proposal Schedule
There is no schedule for application. We grant funds as the need arises and as long as funds exist within the calendar year.

Approval Schedule
Once the grant application is finalized and approved by the Executive Director, it is forwarded to the President for final approval. We will respond with approval or disapproval in a timely fashion, and hope to respond within two-weeks of final proposal submission.

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